>this is how I see you<

ocean breeze

Night falls over Chennai

I just love the suburban Chennai train. Look, it is like a speedy snake overtaking all the traffic and the whole world at the same time, making you hair unruly with wind.

Into the waves

As the Ganesh Charturthi festival was going to an end we brought the statue from the altar in our house to the beach and the local kids at the beach were eager to leave it to the sea.

So they took it and all the other things that had been on the altar, far out in the waves, to let it be carried away…

Where sky earth and water meet


After having been an all too frequent visitor at the computer doctor’s, finally my lappie is back and the blog is also back! Yeah!

I thought there was only one way to get to the beach…

… and suddenly I get to know that there’s a shortcut, just follow the street straight and then the path under the tree and with the sand dancing around your feet and all the moving green beauty…

… and before you know it you have the Bay of Bengal and the whole Indian Ocean capturing all your senses!