>this is how I see you<


Hi! I find myself in India and I want to share that experience with you! I have been studying Gender and Reproductive Health in the International Institute on Population Science in Mumbai, and I am with a government-financed MFS-scholarship going to write my thesis on Affirmative Action Policies in Higher Education in Tamil Nadu.

Why do I want to do all this abroad? I have been to India before, and I felt I wanted to go back. I feel that it is changing my life, drastically, dramatically and extremely positively. I am challenged and that makes me challenge. My curiousity is exploding, my empathy is expanding. Suddenly, I see and I dare to meet people, not only places. And being put in a new context makes you think. Why am I here? What am I doing here? Am I contributing? Can I even contribute? Would it be different at home? Am I a part of this new environment? Can I be a part of this new environment? Am I a part of my old? What makes me feel at home, and who? Why am I acting as I am?

I feel India is opening up to me, and makes me open up to her. There is a warmth that really inspires me and pushes me to talk, to sing, to laugh, to joke, to dress, to understand. And things don’t need to be so advanced. A meeting can be simple, and still so joyful. Or complicated, and painful. You make me feel. Very much.

Sonja Ashti Ghaderi

4 responses

  1. V

    If u have a chance and the time, try to contact a Tibetan monk. I´m sure that they r the persons that can show you the world with a different perspective, you will get more points of view…so I´m sure you won´t regret! I can guarantee you. Good luck!

    August 9, 2011 at 12:47

  2. Great shots Ashti! Took me back to the great time I had in India, villages around Pune, Anand and Dholpour. A wonderful experience indeed. Wish you all the joys of incredible India. Keep up the good work. 🙂

    August 13, 2011 at 13:07

  3. I jus love ur Blog…i am from chennai currently studying in sweden. Ur pics are amazing and i love ur perspective 🙂 seeing ur pics i dont miss chennai any more 🙂 Will be following u though 🙂

    September 6, 2011 at 05:26

  4. Jasan Pictures

    Grt photographs….


    October 5, 2011 at 23:09

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